Saturday, October 18, 2008

Friday, October 17, 2008

       It  is  unethical  because   when  their  parents  are  out  she  should  not  make  any  party . Or  maybe  she  could  but  still I  do  not think  so . I  do  not think  his  email  is  so private . In  this  times almost  everyone  can  get  to  others  email . And  when  the  school officials  know  it  it  is  go in  to  effect  him  in his  reputation  in school.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

do now 10 -16-08

            Organizing   my time   focusing  on just  one  thing .
I  can  do  5 minutes per page  or  less   and  finish it  on  time .  I think   that  if  the  class  is  quite  I can  do it  more  faster  and  concentrate  more . The  proses  journal  I  should  already  know  what  I  need  I just  need  to  write  it .

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

               I  think  it is  not  good  idea  to   keep  playing  with   that  little  "war"  .   That  can take  Abner  in  problems  . I  think  that  Abner  should   tell a  adult .  Or  maybe  just  ignore them and  maybe  delete  them . I think  it is  a  bad  to  posts a comment to a newsgroup

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

do now

   I think  that  my  project  was  OK  I think  I can  done  it  better . I  think  more  details  will  help  my  project  .
I  will  give  mi self  a  75% - 80% . I   organise   my  time . But   I am slow at  taping  and  I  can  not  don  it  like  I  waned . I think  I am getting  better  at  taping   and  I  will  do  my  next  project  with  more  details. 

do now

            I  think  that  Jules  is making  a  bad  option ,because  does  are not    the  lab  rules .
 This  student  should  not  be in  the  lab  no  more .  The  lab is  enrichment  but still part  of  the  grade.  The  acts of  Jules  is not only  effecting  Jules  but  the Jules's 
 team .